Breathing Cheat Sheet
General Breathing Key Points:
– It’s not a competition. Reduce the numbers if you don’t feel calmness coming over you.
– Constrict your throat, producing a rasping sound during inhale and exhale.
– Sit straight and tall: Shoulders away from the ears, chest open, chin tucked in.
– Slow ‘take off’ and ‘landing’ each time you start and end an inhale or exhale.
1) Uneven Breath (calming)
Ratios: 1 – 4 – 2 (Inhale – Hold in – Exhale)
Time: 5 min, only nose breathing
The time for the inhale determines the time for the other two parts of the breathing cycle.
Slowly ease your way into 1-4-2, like:
Start off with 1-1-1, then 1-2-1, then 1-2-2, then 1-3-2, then 1-4-2
2) Even Breath – Box Breath (calming)
Ratios: 1- 1-1- 1 (Inhale – Hold in – Exhale – Hold out)
Time: 5 min, only nose breathing
The time for the inhale determines the time for the other three parts of the breathing cycle.
During ‘hold in’ bring chin down onto sternum without lifting shoulders (chin lock).
During ‘holding out’ pull your stomach in and up (abdominal lock).
IMPORTANT: Release stomach BEFORE your breathe in again.
3) Shining Skull (Rapidfire Stomach Breath) (invigorating)
Explosive exhale through nose by pulling stomach in and up actively.
Passive inhale by letting the stomach muscles relax.
Repeat for 30 sec. Aim for 2-3 breaths per sec.
After 30 sec., exhale and hold the breath out for 30 sec, then start again.
Repeat 5 times
Time: 5 min, only nose breathing
4) Bellow’s Breath (invigorating)
Breathe through the mouth in and out.
Inhale as much and quickly as possible, then exhale through the mouth the same amount of air, like a bellow.
Do for 30 sec, then exhale and hold air out for 30 sec.
Repeat 5 times
Time: 5 min, only mouth breathing
5) Wim Hof Breathing (invigorating)
30 breaths through the mouth.
Breathe vigorously in (filling up the whole upper body from stomach to collar bone). Relax during exhale.
After 30 breaths, exhale fully and hold your breath out for as long as possible (aim for 2 min.).
Key points during holding your breath out:
– Focus inside
– Relax anywhere you notice tension
– Swallow to consciously relax the throat
– Towards the end: contract and relax your diaphragm consciously
When you need to breathe in, do so fully through the mouth and hold the breath in for 10 counts.
After that return to nasal breathing for a couple of breaths, then start your next round.
Repeat 3 to 5 five times.
Time: Approximately 10 – 20 min, depends on how long you hold your breath. Only mouth breathing.
Variation for the last round:
Hold your breath out and do as many push-ups you can.
Then inhale, hold the breath in for 10 counts. After that return to nasal breathing while you get into a sitting position.
Sit quietly for as long as you feel like it and scan the inside of your body for physical sensations (throbbing, tingling, pressure, heaviness etc.)