Bulletproof your Mind & Body
8 Week Course to send your energy levels through the roof
Do you want to stop relying on quick-fixes like caffeine, sugar, stimulants, and “energy drinks”?
Are you overwhelmed by the multitude of advice on which exercise is best for you – yoga, FIIT, calisthenics, cardio, strength training, Tai Chi, Kegel… ? You name it, and someone surely advocates for it to be the best for you.
Are you in doubt about which diet advice to follow? The internet shouts a different diet at you every time you look at it: Keto, Paleo, Atkins, vegan, vegetarian, fasting, wholefood, low-carb, high-fat, etc.
Do you ever wonder how important sleep and your circadian rhythm is for your health, but nobody shows you how to make improvements?
Are you looking for an efficient blueprint to guide you through your health and fitness regime with minimum effort and cost, but maximum benefit on health, vitality and longevity?
It’s been a year since the last course I offered. In the meantime I’ve made a lot of progress in my own practice. I studied with numerous experts and combed through a lot of scientific material. Now I’m ready to bring you a new course furnishing you with the latest, super efficient practices for mind and body based on cutting edge science – nothing you’ll find in the common media.
This course will provide you with highly efficient modules. No time wasting. Increase your energy levels, rehabilitate your mitochondria, turn your fragility into resilience and steam through the coming season with energy levels you never thought possible.
Group size is limited to 8 participants, so your workout schedule will be custom tailored to your needs.
Everything you’ll be taught is backed by scientific studies, and not media hypes. Come with an open mind and be prepared to get shattered, before you rebuild yourself.
Course Content Modules
All the modules are present in each and every session. With time complexity and intensity will increase in accordance to your individual progress.
You have probably never heard of the concept of hormesis, but you might be familiar with the way Nietsche explained it.
More and more scientific research now points to it as being one of the most, if not the most important factor in human health!
It is the essence of this course and its principles are regarded as a meta module ruling over all the other modules.
Hypoxic Module
Did you know that the way you breathe (and don’t breathe) massively affects your health?
Proper hypoxic intermittent training has numerous confirmed scientific benefits: It decreases inflammation, boosts immune function, increases exercise performance and resistance to stress, improves sleep, heart and lung function and facilitates fat loss.
And it will add another party trick to your repertoire 😉
These breathing techniques are not new, but rejuvenated wisdom about breathing from ancient practices such as Pranayama in Yoga.
Oxygen Depletion Module
One of the most powerful ways to exercise for increasing your energy levels is to induce oxygen bankruptcy in your body temporarily.
Warning: This is not for the faint hearted. We’ll start slow and build up gently.
Strength and Mobility Module
The hormetic adaption to the high level bodyweight strength and mobility exercises I’ll teach you in this module will rebuild your physical structure.
The focus is on regaining full functionality.
You shift into your mobility and body awareness and find an increased range of motion.
You need a surplus of range of motion, of mobility, and a surplus of strength and stability, so your body is prepared when things go wrong and you don’t get hurt!
At the same time muscle imbalances that were responsible for pain will lessen or completely disappear.
In the long run this module also increases your muscle size, longevity and fat loss.
Sleep and Meditation Module
The foundation for good sleep is optimal circadian rhythm habits.
In this module I will teach you a simple blueprint to increase your sleep efficiency, meaning that the sleep you are getting will become far more regenerative to your cells each night.
At the same time I’ll give you a 10 minute daily practice to start the day with: It’s a combination of nervous system rewiring and a meditation technique called the “Secret Smile”.
It is incredibly fun and will retrain your brain and nervous system out of stress mode and help switch your body back into energy mode. Therefore you become more present, mindful, focused and driven.
Famine and Nutrition Module
In this module you will increase your energy using nutrition with a simple nutrition blueprint based on truly cutting-edge science that you have never heard before:
- The science on what diet is best for health
- Nutrition and Orexin
- How the concept of FLUX affects how tightly your body regulates your metabolism and energy levels
- Optimal protein intake depending on body composition and goals
- How Time Restricted Feeding improves body composition, glycemic control, insulin sensitivity, oxidative stress, circadian rhythm and energy levels.
You are not going to hear me give a one-size-fits-all blanket recommendation to adopt one specific dietary pattern (e.g. low-fat, keto, Paleo or vegan diets) based on pseudoscience and hear-say. Doing any of those approaches, regardless of what foods you do or don’t eat, I am going to show you how to take your nutrition to another level!
Mitochondrial Biogenesis Module
Mitochondria are the power plants in your cells. You have over 100,000 trillion of them in your body, using over 90% of the oxygen you breathe. They constantly produce cellular energy (Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)) from carbs and fats you take in.
Bigger and more mitochondria means high energy levels, high resilience, high resistance to disease and increased longevity.
Unfortunately ageing is associated with a very big and significant decline in mitochondrial function.
From the age of 20 to 40 your mitochondrial capacity gets cut in half, and then again from 40 to 70.
As you can imagine, this situation dramatically decreases your energy levels and your resilience to stress. It accelerates your ageing and massively increases the likelihood of developing symptoms or disease.
If you look online for help in this matter, you’ll only find very general advice, like: Do exercise, go low carb or use certain supplements. Nothing specific.
In this module I will teach you more than 10 effective strategies to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis, i.e. the growth of new mitochondria in your cells. These strategies can then be layered to increase the effect even further.
Additional Bonus
- Free Ajna Light session
- Two weeks individual coaching after the course has ended to make sure you integrate what you’ve learned into your day to day life
Days and Times
Mondays and Thursdays @ 8:30 – 10:30am
- 16 practice sessions over 8 weeks using the principles of periodisation and cycling
- Each session is 2 hours long
07 & 10 October | 14 & 17 October | 21 & 24 October | 28 & 31 October
04 & 07 November | 11 & 14 November | 18 & 21 November | 25 & 28 November
Ben & Annie’s house in Meepe, Galle
What to bring
- TRX (if you have one)
- Kettlebell (or Dumbbell, bring whatever you have)
- Yoga mat (if you prefer your own)
- Foam roller, tennis or Lacrosse ball
- Red Latex Resistance Band (3mm thick, LKR 2,900 @ Eser Marketing)
- STRETCH App (free @ https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/stretch-countdown-timer-for-fitness-workout-egg-or/id333281172?mt=8)
- SLEEP CYCLE ALARM CLOCK App (free Version @ https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sleep-cycle-alarm-clock/id320606217?mt=8)
- Tabata Stopwatch App (free Version @ https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tabata-stopwatch-pro/id664563975)
- An open mind
Here’s what other people say…
I did Carsten’s last course and loved it! It was different to your usual yoga or HITT class. It was a mixture of everything, from nutrition, wellbeing, fitness, flexibility, breath, HITT, Yoga etc etc. It really is a class on HEALTH. I look forward to the next one, but I’m definitely going to take nutrition more seriously while doing the course. After 8 weeks I never felt more fit and positive. Bring on the next one!!!!
Annie Jago
I’ve learned so much, not only about getting in shape, but also about how the different muscles connect and work. Learned about how important breathing is and I feel confident I have the tools to continue exercising on my own. The knowledge I gained from Antoni will benefit me for the rest of my live.
Gál Zoltán
I worked out with Carsten last year, and it really changed my way of thinking about exercise. It’s not just about the workout, there is so much more. It’s super intense and challenging! It definitely changed my body!
Claudia van Ketwich Verschuur
As a complete beginner I found it tough to begin with, but after a while and a good deal of improvement over the weeks I loved it. Not your average yoga class, but one that explored many aspects of the body and mind. I particularly benefited from the fast at the end of the course, which was of course optional. Carsten lead the class very well with instruction at every step, and ever since it has inspired me to continue the practice. I look forward to the next one. Give it a go, it can only be good for you…
Ben Lloyd
I enjoyed this course. Though pretty tough at times, it still managed to be fun and I definitely took a lot away from it.
Carsten led the classes well, gave clear instruction and lots of encouragement. He also showed plenty of patience!
Phil Kendrick
Early Bird*: LKR 40,000
Regular: LKR 45,000
(payable after first session)
Payback of LKR 15,000 at the end of the course if you attended at least 13 practice sessions (Attendance >80%).
100% satisfaction guarantee: If you’re unhappy at any time with the content of the course, you’ll get a full refund.
*Sign up and pay LKR 10,000 deposit before 25th of September 2019
If you’re not sure to commit to the full course:
Drop-In: LKR 2,800 per class
How to sign up or ask questions?
Please fill in the form below and click ‘Submit’. Easy as that. ?